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The journey of India from 1947 to 2019 is quiet an adventurous one, with lots of ups and downs. If we look sideways, its a bit broad too. When we look at the graph of India's growth, it may seem 2 dimensional, But actually it has breadth along with the length and height. Not all cultures, castes, religions, economic groups and so on, have faced their ups and downs equally. India has a broad classification of citizens. Rich, Poor, Believers, Atheists, Strong, Weak, Literate, Illiterate, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and hundreds and hundreds of more divisions lie across the holy grounds of India. So its impossible to analyse this never-ending, three-dimensional graph of India's growth.

Then what were all those articles about India's growth and changes telling us? All those are just the incomplete surveys from people who themselves aren't sure about the changes they have experienced. India's growth is always calculated by the economic growth. How is this economic growth calculated? Have you ever seen someone, who have provided a genuine income of themselves, in any certificates to any of the government body? If they want some loan, they provide a bit more than their real salary, whereas if they need some consession, they provide a bit lesser than their real salary. So what is the real economic status of India? No one knows...

Now, India is the fifth largest economy in the world. What do you think? does India deserve a better rank?

Being the largest democracy and the second largest populated country, its a bit difficult to rule this country and to execute certain policies to its true potential. What makes this more tough, is the people themselves!! Who think ," If something has to be changed in our country, everyone has to contribute." but are not ready to make the first contribution. Another independence day is here, and we are again here putting whatsapp statuses, Facebook and Instagram stories. Sending independence day messages to friends and relatives. Sending our children to schools where Indian flags are hosted, sweets are served, national anthem is sung. Then from the next day onwards,  everything that makes us regret about our yesterdays, is resumed.



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