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International yoga day - Yoga at it's peak necessity?

21st of june,  international yoga day...
Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word ‘yoga’ derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness.
Today it is practiced in various forms around the world and continues to grow in popularity.Recognizing its universal appeal, on 11 December 2014, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga. The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga.


YOGA vidya,  created hundreds of years ago, is at it's peak necessity now?  But why? 
Most of us know why!  So let me remind you something else... 
World is developing at a faster pace than any of the past centuries,  and the youth, because of weak parenting tactics (very sorry to say) are getting confused to choose their tracks and are continuously turning towards wrong people for advice and wrong platforms to seek help. Parents who lived in a world where the need was consistency and hardwork are not able to comprehend the changes in the new world where the need is creativity and smartwork.  
India seems to be developing in every field except education.  The classrooms today have low to no change from the classrooms that existed more than two hundred years ago.  Still the same type of exams, same type of chapters and same type of teaching methodology. And we fools are still in a hope for change? The easiest way to bring upon a change is by changing the mindset of the youth.  Without a change in parenting, without a change in teaching, without a change in the educational system, how are we gonna bring this "change"?
While everyone is busy finding out the bad effects of social media, the advantages and good impact of the social media is getting blurred. We are taught that phones, computers, social media platforms, all are just a medium to waste time. How many of us know, that these things can generate income in a lesser time and with lesser efforts?  How many of us know, that being creative is as good as (or even better) than being able to remember 65 chapters for 2years?  How many of us know, that if we make "climbing a tree" the criteria to become successful, no fish would ever be successful? 
 The worst part of the story is, that no one will ever accept their mistake (let's forget about correction) .  Parents blame teachers (most of the time of a child is spent in schools and tuition centres,  so it's the responsibility of the teachers to make their students worthy)  and the teachers blame students (we can only help a donkey to reach by the riverside, donkey itself has to drink the water to satisfy its thurst). And the children blames them for blaming each other and in the process forgetting about their childs future. 
Have you ever noticed that whenever an article or a video releases with a note " Specially for parents",  the children are more eager to read or watch this more than the targetted audience (parents).  To give this statement the required strength a youtuber has claimed that his videos that were meant for parents were viewed 87% by the users aged below 21 (chances of this age group having a parent is between low to none). "We know exactly how to take care of our child",  ("ഒണ്ടാക്കാനറിയെന്കിൽ, വള൪ത്താനുമറിയാ൦"~" If we know how to make you,  then we know how to raise you! ")  this is the most common reply when their son or daughter tell their parents to watch these kind of video.  And they say, "Children nowadays, don't want to learn anything,  I don't know what makes them think that they know everything! ".
Today's competitive nature of selection, discrimination based on marks, ignorance to the dreams of the youth and the resultant divergance to the addictive things like drugs and cellphone usage are making the lives of today's youth stressful.  Best way to get relief from the mental stress that we experience now, is yoga and meditation. 

A fish would blame itself, the rest of its life for being unworthy, until the criteria is changed from "climbing a tree" to "crossing a river".


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